Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bar joke... or is it?

You know those lame bar jokes with animals in them? Like this one:

A centaur walks into a bar and sits next to an attractive woman.
"You look a lot different than most of the men who come here," said the woman to the centaur.
"I guess you could say that," the centaur replied. "I'm half-man, half-horse."
"Well, I wish my husband were more like you," said the woman. "He's a total jackass."

Well if you're a Tyneside local named Peggy, you might get the last laugh. Turns out Peggy, a 12-year-old horse, has been enjoying the occasional pint and packet of crisps along with her owner at the local pub. Until the landlady kicked her out, that is. Her reason? The horse might ruin her new carpets, although she's a lot cleaner than some of her other regulars! Poor Peggy can only watch through the window now.

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