Saturday, March 27, 2010

On the road again

When you join the ranks of management consultants, you have to live with your suitcase half packed and most of the time, you're living out of your suitcase anyway. I got a rare break this past year, only having to travel for work once for two weeks. This is not counting, of course, the daily hundred-kilometre round trip drives to the client site that I've been doing regularly since November last year.

But this week, I've been redeployed to an old client in Bangkok so I'm back on the road for the next six weeks. The hotel was a laugh - I couldn't even get into my room! But they were nice enough to leave me a poem on my pillow. Of all the free things you can get from a hotel room, I never expected a poem to be one of them:

Upon my heart I feel her touch
How it lingers on my mind
Glittering trees teasing with the wind
Sweet air, blows soft, how love begins

Sunthon Pu
1786 - 1855