Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bye bye, Baby Bush

Now that America has voted and Obama is due to take over the White House next January, it won't be long before we have to (thankfully) say goodbye to George W. Bush. I couldn't believe it when he first won the elections back in 2000, and then was even more flabbergasted when he won it again in 2004. Was America really so dumb as to revote for the guy who started two wars that he couldn't finish and was increasing America's debt to the world at the same rate as he was killing innocent young American soldiers? It's definitely time for a change, but I gotta say, the guy was good for some laughs at least. There are whole websites devoted to this clown of a president but here are ten of my favourite Bushisms from 2007 and 2008:

The misunderestimated me.

"Amigo! Amigo!" - Bush calling out to Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi at the G-8 Summit in Japan

How can you possibly have an international agreement that's effective unless countries like China and India are not full participants?

So long as I'm president, my measure of success is victory - and success.

I don't particularly like it when people put words in my mouth, either, by the way, unless I say it.

All I can tell you is when the governor calls, I answer his phone.

You know, when you give a man more money in his pocket - in this case, a woman more money in her pocket to expand a business, it - they build new buildings. And when somebody builds a new building somebody has got to come and build the building. And when the building expanded it prevented additional opportunities for people to work.

All of us in American want there to be fairness when it comes to justice.

"I'm going to try to see if I can remember as much to make it sound like I'm smart on the subject." - Bush on a possible flu pandemic

"I've heard he's been called Bush's poodle. He's bigger than that." - Bush on former British PM Tony Blair

One of my concerns is that the health care can not be as good as it possibly can be.

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