Thursday, August 21, 2008


There was a pristine white box and two rubber-encased controllers sitting innocently underneath the TV at my cousin's house. It wasn't even switched on until three or four days into my stay there. But omg, when it was switched on, it was SO hard to tear myself away White and innocent-looking. Hah! Someone should put a warning label on those things - ADDICTIVE! Do not switch on unless you've got an hour or 24 free. Yes, I admit it, I'm a Wii addict!

Well, actually, I was. Sigh... unfortunately I don't have it at home, and there's no point getting it because there's no one around to play it with me. I'll just have to settle for being a couch potato while watching the Olympics instead.

I only experienced the Wii Sports disc, but that little disc alone has more than enough to entertain anyone. You can play multi-player tennis games, golf, boxing, baseball, and my favourite - bowling! With a little flick of the wrist, even the most un-athletically inclined person could play a decent game of bowling. I once scored four strikes in a row and ended the game at about 280 points. No chance I could replicate that in the real world. I can now boast that I'm a bowling pro! Virtual, that is :P

Tennis was really fun too, although it took me a while to figure out what I was doing. Imagine little old me serving up aces and hitting cross-court winners. I'm a regular Sharapova, just with a better serve - 100% first serves in! Haha... Careful you don't swing too hard when you're playing, though. My shoulder was aching for a whole day because I was swinging too hard at nothing :(

I didn't really like the baseball - too slow for me, and I didn't try the boxing - no nunchuks (special controls for it), but the golf! Now normally, I'm the president of the anti-golf club, but Wii golf was really cool. No more traipsing around a huge golf course with the relentless sun beating down on you, trying to hit a tiny white ball into a hole you can't even see when you start. With the Wii, there's a gauge to tell you how hard to hit, and how hard you're actually hitting, there's a direction pointer, there's a wind indicator. It does everything except drive you around in a golf cart. Given a bit more time, I'd be a Wii golf pro too!

The graphics were nothing spectacular, but the wireless remote control was really cool.
It senses your motions IN 3D!! And usually when you're playing, you only need to press one or two buttons at a time. No more grappling with remotes not designed for technically-challenged people like me. I also tried out the PS3 version of tennis when I was in Sydney, but it was SO hard to control the characters and I couldn't hit 90% of the balls. Sigh... the Wii is perfect for people like me.

I want one!!

Christmas is coming :D Hint hint...

1 comment:

Chen Chow said...

Wii!!! Sounds tempting!!! Miss those Accenture days when we would go to a colleague's house to play Wii!!! I was accompanying a colleague of mine, who went to buy himself a Wii on his birthday! :)