Saturday, April 26, 2008

Environmental Footprint

This project has shot my environmental footprint to hell. In the span of six weeks, I will have

  • flown about 35 hours
  • drunk countless liters of bottled water because we can’t drink the tap water in Korea and Taiwan (incidentally, the polycarbonate bottle that I got from Whole Foods leaks – highly disappointing)
  • Stayed in a hotel for six weeks straight, changing hotels with a frequency of between every two days and two weeks (think of the ridiculous amount of towels they put in the room, which I’m doing my best to make sure they do NOT change every day; of that vast expanse of ridiculously comfortable Egyptian cotton they have to wash every time I change rooms; of all the water the high-pressure rain shower uses; of the electricity needed to keep my toilet seat warm (oh such a luxury))
  • Eaten shark’s fin soup because it was served at a client lunch and I couldn’t politely turn it down

Taking public transport to work in Korea and carpooling whenever we take a cab is not enough to soothe my conscience, I’m afraid.

1 comment:

Chen Chow said...

You are a great tree hugger!!! The world needs more people like you, who think about the environment! :)

On our local front, YTL is quite aggressive with their environmental initiatives. :)